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Dynamic Forms- Total Doesn't Work With Hidden Field

Dynamic Forms Ver:

We have it set up to do a total and it works, but we need the field hidden. The total does not work when it's a hidden field.

I imported Demo 20 to poke around a bit since there are some hidden fields in that demo, but it doesn't work. Demo 4 works fine once imported.

asked 6/22/2022
B 7
  • HI, when you say hidden field, is that the field type or is it actually a textbox with it being set to hide until forced visible by a question event?

    Also, if you are using the hidden field type as part of your javascript calculations, it's best to move the sort order of it to the very top. - David To 6/22/2022

  • You should also enable your web browser's developer tools so that you can check the console for any javascript errors. - David To 6/22/2022

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