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Web.Config Entries in the DotNetNuke Framework

If you have any familiarity with developing web applications in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 you probably know about the Web.config file. This is where ASP.NET 2.0 gets all of its information regarding web-specific configurations such as the connection string to a database. In DotNetNuke, the file is named the same and serves mostly the same purpose with ability to add more parameters specific to DotNetNuke. It is a file written in Extensible Markup Language (XML) and can be edited with any text editor.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013/Author: Chad Nash/Number of views (14306)/Comments (-)/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Uncategorized

Standard Out-of-the-Box Modules of DotNetNuke

DotNetNuke is a powerful, open-source Content Management System (CMS) In order to determine if DotNetNuke is worth your while, you need to know exactly “what’s in the box.”There is a robust set of modules that come out of the box with DotNetNuke 4.4. What are modules? Within a CMS, they are sections of code that can seamlessly fit into an overall system and provide some major functionality.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013/Author: Chad Nash/Number of views (5205)/Comments (-)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Uncategorized

Taking Advantage of DotNetNuke 4.4

DotNetNuke 4.4 was released on the market December 24, 2006. It is yet another improvement to an already-popular Content Management System (CMS) making it easier to deploy commercial-grade websites quickly and efficiently. But what does one need to know about the new 4.4 to really exploit it to their advantage? What are the new features in 4.4? What are the new performance tools in 4.4? Let’s look at some of these features now.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013/Author: Chad Nash/Number of views (3968)/Comments (-)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Uncategorized

DotNetNuke 3.3.5 / 4.3.5 Released...

This new release is a lot more stable and comes with long list of bug fixes, enhancements, and patches. This is more or less of a stabilization patch with some new features thrown in and includes performance improvement and enhanced security features. DotNetNuke 3.3.5/4.3.5 was put through a 2 week long beta testing phase with the Platinum Benefactors and at present it is in active use on the official website for DotNetNuke. Given below is a brief list that will give you a summary of the various issues resolved with this new version. You must go through this summary and the detailed list so that your DotNetNuke core is running with the advantage of all the fixes and improvements.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013/Author: Chad Nash/Number of views (3659)/Comments (-)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Uncategorized

Migrate to DotNetNuke

Best Practices for migrating your website or web site content over to DotNetNuke

With DotNetNuke you can quickly build and edit a website using only your web browser. DotNetNuke websites are made up of Pages and Modules.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013/Author: Chad Nash/Number of views (20073)/Comments (-)/ Article rating: 5.0
Categories: Uncategorized
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